The Moon Rises Over the Oquirrh Mountain Temple
Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple

The Moon Rises Over the Oquirrh Mountain Temple

It was deep in the fall and the leaves were going from yellow to orange to brown. The calendar showed a full moon coming up and I thought it would be fun to get a shot of the moon rising behind the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

The challenge I have had with moon shots and temples is that most temples are in residential areas. A good moon shot requires shooting from a good distance from the temple. This becomes challenging in the neighborhoods. This proved to be true with the Oquirrh Mountain Temple as well.

However it did not really matter because in the fall, the moon rises too late. By the time it is peaking over the mountains, you have lost the daylight required to capture a crisp moon.

That’s probably just too much information for this blog, so let’s just say that even though the moon rose over the temple that chilly autumn night, you won’t see it in this particular session of fine art.

I did have fun bringing in the orange foliage in the background from the distant east mountains just before the light disappeared. But what I most enjoyed was my favorite, the blue hour. I just love capturing images in the cool blue glow that comes after sunset. It’s that beautiful time of the evening that envelopes you in a peaceful beauty.

Not unlike any other temple photography experience, there is always a magical moment when you see and feel God’s hand in nature as it surrounds his temple.

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