Beautiful Temple Art For Your Home
About Me
My passion for photography began just after high school. I found the real drive for photography came from the ability to capture nature, beautiful sunsets, trophy sized deer and meandering meadows.
Over the years, many family trips to visit temples have instilled a desire to learn how to create large beautiful pieces of art that we could display in our home. The temple makes a stunning impact for all that see it hanging on the wall.
Nothing helps keep the spirit in the home quite like a large print of a beautiful temple. It is also a great reminder of the importance of being prepared to enter the temple.
Riding Off Into the Sunset With The Princess and The Provo City Center Temple
The Draper Utah Temple, a Beacon of Light For All
Mount Timpanogos Temple and the Slowest Sunrise of the Year
Display Temple Fine Art In Your Home
Strengthen your refuge from the world by displaying beautiful images of the house of the Lord in your home. This is also a perfect approach for illustrating your families desire to attend the temple.